Taspen Job Vacancies
PT Taspen (Persero) is a State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) engaged in Insurance and Pension Fund Management. Currently we are require young professionals graduate from S1, D3, and SLTA who posses high integrity, committed, and willing to work hard to be placed in all over Indonesia.
General Requirements
- Indonesian citizen, male/ female, attractive, energic and hospitable
- Minimum height 160 cm for male and 155 cm for female, with proportional weight
- Not married
- Never discharged with not respect as an government employee or private agencies employee.
- Sound mind and body.
- SMK/ SLTA graduate
- Maximum 22 years old by May 31, 2011
- Minimum average UAN grade: 7.00 or minimum report card (rapor) grade of class I, II and III: 7.00
- Preferably posses certificates: Tax Brevet A, Tax Brevet B, Accounting, Computer (PHP/ Web Design/ Network/ System/ Database/ Microsoft Office)
- Will be placed as Administration Officer in Indonesia Tengah and Timur branches
- Bachelor (S1)/ Diploma (D3) degree
- Maximum 24 years old for D3 and 30 years old for S1, by May 31, 2011
- Minimum GPA 2.75 of 4.00 (PTN) and 3.00 of 4.00 (PTS)
- Preferably posses TOEFL® Prediction Score minimum 450 (S1 only)
- Majoring in (S1/ D3): Economics (EKO), Law (HUK), Mathematics (MAT), Computer Science (KOM), Actuaria (AKT), Statistics (STA), Secretary (SEC), Health/ Kesehatan (KES) and Administration (ADM)
Should you interested please download official information at first link below and apply at second link. Closing date April 24, 2011.
Official Info || Apply
Sumber : http://lowongan.mercubuana.ac.id/2011/04/taspen-job-vacancies/