Kompas Gramedia Job Vacancy
We are an established online news media, focus on Internet technology, multimedia and e-commerce, currently seeking for a professional to fill the following positions:
Training & People Development Officer (Code: HR)
- Bachelor of Phychology or Management (HR Management)
- Ability to define and analyze development need to build new development program or modify and improve existing program
- Having experience in training evaluation and effectiveness
- Implemented job competency, job analysis, training and career path
- Broad knowledge of people development related fields (recruitment, talent management and organization development)
- Quick learner, quick to adapt and sociable
- Have strong achievement motivation, high endurance
- Interested in having a career in media companies
- Good personality, high integrity and demonstrate the ability to work in a team environment
- Minimum Bachelor Degree
- Minimum 2 years experience as a Programmer (from Content Provider is preferred)
- Indepth understanding of PHP, XML and MySQL
- Experience in jQuery
- Experience in CodeIgniter
- Extensive knowledge in Linux
- Good personality, creative, high integrity and demonstrate the ability to work in a team environment
Web Designer
- Minimum Bachelor Degree (any background not only Visual Communication Design)
- Minimum of 2 years experience as a Web Designer
- Deep knowledge in HTML (Knowledge in HTML5 is preferred), CSS 3 and Flash Actionscript
- Excellent in visual layout and illustration skills
- Excellent in Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Flash and Illustrator or Freehand
- Demonstrates proficiency in creating new ideas/concept
- Good personality, high integrity and demonstrate the ability to work in a team environment
Finance and Accounting (Code: Fin-Acc)
- Memahami fungsi dan alur proses akuntansi dan keuangan di sebuah perusahaan serta mampu menganalisa serta mengembangkan sistem keuangan yang dibutuhkan di sebuah unit usaha
- S1 Akuntansi/Keuangan dengan IPK min 2.9 (Profesi akuntan, S2 dan atau lulusan internasional menjadi nilai tambah)
- Memiliki daya analisa yang tajam
- Pengalaman kerja di bidang keuangan/akunting sesuai posisi terkait selama 1-2 tahun menjadi nilai
- Fresh graduate silahkan melamar
- Penempatan posisi akan disesuaikan dengan spesialisasi yang dikuasai (Internal Audit, Accounting, Financial System, Financial Performance, Tax)
Marketing Communication Executive
- Minimum Bachelor Degree (any discipline)
- Must have min. 2 years experience in promotion/ advertising/ marketing communication, in media industry (multimedia preferred).
- Excellent in making business proposal concept.
- Wide networking, good skills in presentation, communication and negotiation
- Attractive & good-looking, have the ability to drive a car and have a valid driving license
Account Executive (Code: AE)
- Minimum Bachelor Degree (any discipline)
- Must have min. 1 year experience as AE (Media/Advertising Prefered)
- Must be fluent in English, both oral and written
- Wide networking, good skills in presentation, communication and negotiation
- Target achievement orientation, attractive & good-looking
- Have the ability to drive a car and have a valid driving license
- Good personality, creative, high integrity and demonstrate the ability to work in a team environment
Information Technology & Information System
- Memahami kebutuhan IT&IS dalam sebuah perusahaan sehingga dapat menganalisa,mengembangkan program, serta maintenance sistem yang ada
- D3 /S1 Teknik Informasi /Ilmu Komputer /Sistem Informasi /Teknik Elektro dengan IPK min 3.0
- Menguasai program/software yang sesuai dengan bidang yang dikuasai yaitu:
- OS Windows Server, Linux, Solaris, Oracle, MSSQL, dan konsep jaringan
- PHP dan Java
- ERP (SAP atau Oracle)
- Penempatan posisi akan disesuaikan dengan spesialisasi yang dikuasai (System Engineer, Software Development, Technical Support, Business Analyst)
We offer a competitive salary and benefits package and the professional advantages of a dynamic environment that supports your development and recognizes your achievements. Please apply at links below.
TPDO || PROG || WEB || ACC || MCE || AE || IT