Jumat, 03 Desember 2010

[Lowongan] Mine Surveyor (Kalimantan Selatan) at PT Indika Energy Tbk

PT Indika Energy Tbk is an integrated Indonesian energy company, providing its customers with integrated energy solutions through its complementary investments in the areas of energy resources, energy services and energy infrastructure.

In line with our rapid expansion, we are looking for self-motivated, hardworking and qualified people to join our winning team as :

Mine Surveyor (Kalimantan Selatan)

* Carry out general daily mine survey functions, including: blast block mark ups; monitoring of bench and floor levels; recording of drill sampling positions; monitoring of geotechnical parameters for mining and civil slopes and structures and monitoring of seawall turbidity.
* Liaise with Mine Superintendent and Mine Supervisors to ensure production requirements are met.
* Provide technical assistance to the Drill and Blast Team including the demarcation of toe and crest lines.
* Conduct monthly volume calculations for pits, seawall and stockpiles and report to Senior Mine Surveyor / Manager Mining.
* Ensure survey control is maintained and is auditable.
* Monitor road, stockpile and waste dump developments as required, and report any required actions to the Senior Mine surveyor / Manager Mining.
* Ensure mining activities conform to the current pit and seawall designs, and report any required actions to the Senior Mine Surveyor / Manager Mining.
* Mark-out and monitor clearing and rehabilitation operations in accordance with the mine management plan and the mine closure plan under the direction of the Senior Mine Surveyor / Manager Mining.

For Detail, please click: http://lowongan.mercubuana.ac.id/2010/12/mine-surveyor-kalimantan-selatan-at-pt-indika-energy-tbk/


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- Lowongan Kerja Terbaru: http://lowongankerja.mercubuana.ac.id

Program Sarjana (S1) dan Pascasarjana (S2)
Kampus A: Jl. Meruya Selatan, Kebun Jeruk, Jakarta Barat
Kampus B: Gedung Kedaung Jl Menteng Raya No.29 Jakarta Pusat
Telepon: 021-5857722 (Hunting) Info 24 Jam: 021-70882168
http://kk.mercubuana.ac.id email: kk@mercubuana.ac.id

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