
Kelas Karyawan
We are big and growth Construction Company, specialization in Steel Contruction
looking for qualified and good personal for being one of our team as :
QUALITY MANAGERLocation : Karawaci
Requirement :
a. Male or Female, Min. 30 years old
b. Education bachelor degree major in TECHNIC CIVIL, MACHINE, PRODUCTION and related from reputable or oversease university
c. Minimum of 5 years experiences as QM in construction steel, civil, power plants and others.
d. Having knowledge on ISO 9001-2008 and construction code/standart spesification.
e. Must be proficient with knowledge of construction standart practices nd methods.
f. Conversant to develop Quality assurance program, QC Procedure and quality program of ISO 9001-2008.
If you are meet our requirement, please send last CV/Resume, App. Letter, Last Photograph and others training program or certificate to :
Attn. HR Manager Div.
NOT LONGER THAN June 10th, 2010 __._,_.___
- Pasang iklan Gratis di: http://jakpromo.com
- Informasi Beasiswa Terbaru: http://beasiswa.mercubuana.ac.id
- Kumpulan Lowongan Kerja: http://lowongan.mercubuana.ac.id
- Lowongan Kerja Terbaru: http://lowongankerja.mercubuana.ac.id
Program Sarjana (S1) dan Pascasarjana (S2)
Kampus A: Jl. Meruya Selatan, Kebun Jeruk, Jakarta Barat
Kampus B: Gedung Kedaung Jl Menteng Raya No.29 Jakarta Pusat
Telepon: 021-5857722 (Hunting) Info 24 Jam: 021-70882168
http://kk.mercubuana.ac.id email: kk@mercubuana.ac.id
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