Jumat, 30 Oktober 2009

[Head-Hunter] (JOB) Export Import Staff - PT Air Liquide Indonesia


Dear Bapak/Ibu Moderator,


Mohon bantuannya untuk menyampaikan ke anggota milist.



HRD PT Air Liquide Indonesia


Air Liquide, founded in 1902 in France, is the world leader in gases for Industry, health and the environment. Our group employs over 43,000 employees in 75 countries. We provide technology and service-based solutions to meet the comprehensive needs of our customers from all industrial sectors.

For more information please visit us at www.id.airliquide.com or www.airliquide.com


In Indonesia, we employ around 200 people and operates plants in Cibitung and Cilegon. We are now have immediate opportunities for the right candidates to contribute to the diversity of our business and a career with Multi National Company.


Export Import Staff (EIS)

with requirements:

  • You should have minimum diploma degree (D3) or bachelor degree (S1) majoring from Bussiness Administration, Management, Accountancy or any related diciplines.
  • Candidate should possess minimum 1 year experiences as Export Import Staff in manufacturing industry or in forwarding company.
  • Able to communicate in English both oral and written is a must.
  • Computer literate.
  • Preferably live in Cibitung or Bekasi area.
  • Willing to work immediately.



Interested person should apply with full resume in English and a recent photo to:

HRD PT Air Liquide Indonesia
Email: hrd.info@airliquide.com

(Attachment must less than 200 kb)

Please put the position as the subject of your email. Email without correct subject will be deleted automatically.


No later than 2 weeks after this advertisement

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