Rabu, 25 Februari 2009

[JOBindo.com] Lowongan Kerja: HUMAN RESOURCES Officer Di PT. Exabb Energy Nusantara

PT. Exabb Energy Nusantara
Alamat: Taman Tekno BSD, Blok A2 No.33 BSD City, Serpong,
Tangerang 15000 Indonesia

Deskripsi Perusahaan:
PT Exabb Energy Nusantara is a fast growing company in electrical
engineering & contracting. Core businesses are panel maker for Relay
Control Panel, LV/MV Switchgear/MCC, Busduct, installation &
commissioning, and Electrical contracting.

Lowongan Kerja: HUMAN RESOURCES Officer

Deskripsi Pekerjaan
PT Exabb Energy Nusantara is a fast growing company in electrical
engineering & contracting, currently have various opportunities for
individual with high initiative, entrepreneurial behavior, and
seeking for challenging job to join our team.

o Male/Female, max age 30 years old
o Minimum 2 years experiences in human resources division
o Must have a general knowledge of HR Management and General Affair
(Recruitment, Training, Payroll, 5S, and General Affair)
o Minimum D3 in any discipline

o English literate (oral and written).
o Excellent computer skills (Ms. Office).
o Having strong leadership, motivation skills and customer oriented
o Able to handle pressure, multiple task, and meets datelines
o Analytical, good communications and interpersonal skills

If you are confident that you meet our requirements, please send your
application by mail or email not later than 3 weeks after this ads
with complete resume, photograph, current & expected salary,
indicating the job position, to:
Human Resources Dept – PT. Exabb Energy Nusantara
Taman Tekno BSD, Blok A2 No.33
BSD City, Serpong, Tangerang

Application by email with more than 200kB will be rejected.
Only shortlisted candidates with complete application shall be called
up for interview.

Tanggal Tayang: 02/25/2009
Pendidikan: Associate Degree - Mid Career (2-10 years)
Lokasi: Jakarta / Indonesia
Status Pekerjaan: Permanent Position
Gaji yang ditawarkan: IDR 2000000-8000000
Tanggal Penutupan: 04/30/2009

Silahkan Login di http://Jobindo.com untuk melamar Lowongan ini. Jika
anda belum jadi member, silahkan mendaftar terlebih dahulu


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